Parasites living in the human body

What parasites live in humans, and their photos presented in this article. Full information about the appearance of parasites, peculiarities, symptoms of the disease. Parasitic diseases are a threat to the physical and mental development of children, significantly undermining the health of adults. Low performance, poor health, chronic fatigue – symptoms of parasites in the human body.

The symptoms of infection

Pinworms enterobiasis and

The form of the parasite in the body belongs to a class of annelid worms. Causes the disease enterobiasis. The cause of the infection is simple – dirty hands, unwashed vegetables, fruits. Carriers of these types of worms are animals – dogs, cats, sick people. Infection occurs by ingestion of eggs in the human body. Pinworms in different countries are considered to be the most common parasite causing helminthiasis. A dangerous worm has a long white body with pointed end on both sides. The female pinworm can reach a length of 12 mm, male 5 mm. Eggs are so tiny that can only detect in the laboratory. Photos are presented below.

The parasite is able to live in the small, large intestine. The degree of infestation depends on how many eggs got initially in the patient's body. Mating of worms is in the intestine. The males then die. All the body of the female is filled with eggs. For their eggs, the worm crawls out of the anus, in the folds of the anus leaves the eggs. After that, the female dies. The eggs get into the feces, with them in the soil again begins the cycle of parasite development. Some of the worms matured in the folds of underwear, bedding, again enters the body of the patient.

Symptoms of infection by this type of parasite is:

  • the presence of pain in the lower abdomen, in the navel;
  • increased appetite or lack of it;
  • irritability;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • grinding of teeth at night;
  • itching in the anal area;
  • bloating;
  • dysbacteriosis of the intestine;
  • a low hemoglobin.

The disease spreads rapidly among children. In adults is much rarer. Treatment of drug drugs, and folk remedies.


Ascaris and ascariasis

The form of the parasite in the human body, which is localized in different organs. Provokes the bot called ascariasis. Primary infection comes from dirty hands, by eating poorly processed fruit, vegetables, herbs. A carrier acts as a sick person. Helminth eggs enter the soil, there to develop for a few days. When ground contact with the owner, compliance with basic hygiene rules enter the intestine. A few days from the egg comes the larva. Continues its cycle of development, being in the human body. In the soil the larvae can remain.

Infection by this type of worms is fast enough. Initially, the larvae through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream. With it spreads throughout the body. Concentrated in the liver, moves the heart, stops of light. This migration route takes approximately 2 weeks. The larva in the lung tissue provokes an increase in temperature, coughing, inflammation, pneumonia with a large number of sputum. In case of ingestion patients of sputum, the larva re-turns in the gut and continues to develop to adult.

The female Ascaris lays 240 eggs a day. Along with the feces they leave the body, back into the soil. On the development of adult roundworm takes several months. The female body reaches a length of 40 cm, the Color of the body reddish. He lives about 1 year, dies out with the feces. The body color becomes gray. Photo worms is presented below.

Symptoms of infection by this type of parasite are:

  1. cough with lots of sputum;
  2. anemia and low hemoglobin;
  3. pain in the abdomen;
  4. dysbacteriosis of the intestine;
  5. the pain in the heart;
  6. pathology of the liver;
  7. jaundice;
  8. skin lesions rash;
  9. appendicitis;
  10. asphyxia.

Overall threat helminths are able to affect different organs. In particular, the liver, heart, gallbladder, small intestine. From the localization determines the symptoms of the disease. The existence of the adult worm in the lungs can lead to death. The treatment prescribed by the doctor. Folk remedies should be taken after consultation with a specialist.

Toxocara and toxocaras

Helminths provoke the worms Toxocara. Carriers are dogs, cats. Infection occurs through contact with dirty soil. Worm eggs get into the soil with excrements of animals. The parasite survives in the human body. However, in the CIS countries there are 50% of helminthiasis in children of younger age, and this kind of worms. Infection of humans occurs through contact with the fur of an animal, use raw water with dirty hands, unwashed vegetables. The female body reaches a length of 30 cm Below the submitted photo. To dwell can the worm in different parts of the body. This is the main danger.

Toxocaras are distinguished ocular, cutaneous, visceral, neurological. For these types of worms tend different symptoms. So, symptoms of infection by this type of parasite are:

  • the increase in temperature, fever;
  • enlargement of the liver;
  • urticaria;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • lose eye;
  • problems with light;
  • violation of the nervous system.

Treatment is aimed at removing worms from the body, restore the immune function.

Ancylostoma (crooked head) and hookworm

The form of the parasite in the human body, which can cause serious damage to the digestive tract. Threat the worm enters the human body in two ways – contact, through the mouth. Vector control hookworm is the man. The eggs get into the soil with faeces. Favorable conditions of development is high humidity and temperature. The larvae emerge within 2 days. It is very mobile. Crawl around the soil. Inland is able to penetrate to 1 m. For these types of worms tend to crawl to the trees to settle on the leaves. After the second molt, about 10 days after contact with soil, the larvae can infect humans. Her body is so small that it could easily penetrate human skin, quickly rushes to the intestines. There is justified completely. This type of worms a person infected through dirty hands, eating unwashed produce. The main cause of dangerous disease – failure to observe elementary rules of hygiene.

Tapeworm broad

Ancylostoma or crooked-neck looks similar to the other worms. But it has one feature – turned on the back of the head with the teeth. In the photo below you can see clearly. The body length of about 18 mm. with a Sharp jaw, a worm chewing on the wall of the intestine. On the site of the bites formed bleeding wounds that heal slowly. If significant contamination with worms the person loses in a day about 1 liter of blood. Which can lead to anemia, with all the consequences. In addition, the species of worms affected the heart, gallbladder, bone marrow. Hence washed away the symptoms.

The main symptom of the disease is low hemoglobin. In General, the symptoms of the disease include:

  • vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • rashes on the skin;
  • dizziness;
  • dysbiosis;
  • inflammatory processes in organs of small pelvis;
  • problems with digestion;
  • the menstrual cycle;
  • insomnia;
  • headache;
  • constant fatigue;
  • cough;
  • impotence.

Infection can lead to a strong weakening of the vital forces of the body. Due to terrible morning sickness and intestinal dysbiosis develop other pathogens. The disease develops within one month. Contamination through contact with soil. Simply walk barefoot on the ground with the larvae of the worm. To dwell in the soil can parasite the years. Treatment out under the supervision of a physician.

Tapeworm broad and difillobotrioz

The kind of tapeworm that is parasitic in the human body. Causes disease difillobotrioz. Infection occurs from eating bad fried fish. And in raw, dried form. Found in freshwater ponds with stagnant water or with a weak current. A parasite on the walls of the colon. The human body acts as the final link in the development. Before that 2 owner.

Body length lentetsa wide reaches 10 m. the Picture presented below. In the human body it remains in a twisted state. The environment gets in the faeces of the patient. However, further development of the eggs takes place only in the reservoirs. After a few days the larva swallows the clam. There she develops a few days, leaving the body's first host, swimming in the water. It swallows prey fish, where the worm continues to evolve.

The second owner – the fish is a cause of human infection. Main symptoms:

  1. pain in the abdomen;
  2. increased salivation;
  3. loss of appetite — lack of, reinforcement;
  4. pain in the process of eating;
  5. signs of anemia;
  6. enlargement of the spleen;
  7. sleep disturbance;
  8. irritability.

Helminths are able to completely disrupt the digestive system. Lives in the body for about a year. The treatment is to worm expulsion from the body, with the further recovery of all vital functions.

Bovine, swine and cepni disease beef tapeworm infection

The reason is infected with tapeworm – eating poorly processed meat. The body length of the worm reaches 10 meters. A good example in the photo. The main danger of the disease lies in the long incubation period and symptoms smoothed. In the human body can live up to 20 years. Of particular danger are the larvae, which can penetrate into the brain, eyes. The parasite is growing rapidly. During the day, the body length increases by 10 cm Symptoms:

  • rashes on the skin;
  • violation of the chair;
  • bowel problems;
  • changeable appetite;
  • a decrease in hemoglobin;
  • the weakening of the protective functions of the body;
  • indigestion;
  • underdevelopment;
  • nerve pathology.

Symptoms of helminthiasis similar. The diagnosis of the disease can be time consuming. To avoid a terrible disease is the hygiene, quality food preparation.

The first symptoms that can tell that you live in the body of parasites!!!

  • Frequent headaches
  • Warts and papillomas
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Pain in joints and muscles
  • The appetite
  • Watery eyes
  • Fly before my eyes

In the presence of at least one of the symptoms - with a probability of 99 percent we can say, you are present in the body parasites. And they urgently need to fight!